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Fundraising Kickstart Programme

What is it?

Practical support to help your organisation launch its first ever fundraising programme. Nova Fundraising will practically support your organisation in creating and developing toolkits, messaging and the cornerstones required to do excellent fundraising

Who is it for?

Organisations with a clear need and set of goals they need new income to address. Charities ready to launch their first proactive fundraising programme

What’s included?

Strategic direction plus implementational and practical support. This will be tailored to the organisation’s requirements and resources. The following will consequently vary from organisation to organisation, but gives a taster of what could be included:

  • Horizon scan of collaborators and competitors in your field
  • Advice on fundraising platforms and automated responses to support income generation and ensure integration (eg donation platforms)
  • Review and develop fundraising collateral- such as thank you’s; donation asks
  • Develop donor stewardship programmes
  • Review and analysis of previous voluntary income and recommended next steps to grow income streams
  • Development of philanthropic messaging and a case for support
  • Develop and support internal fundraising knowledge and skills within the organisation
  • Review historic trust applications and/ or partnership proposals
  • Co-create fundable project asks
  • Prospect research and recommendations for grant-fundraising pipelines
  • Support with creating first grant application templates
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